January 1, 2013
Written by Lynne C. Halem
For over thirty-one years, the Centre for Mediation and Dispute Resolution (CMDR) has been in the business of helping people reach agreements while preserving their ability to maintain future relationships. And, each year we look back at our client population, seeking to identify discernible patterns, changes and trends. In considering our separating, divorcing, and post-divorce clients at the end of Year 2012, we have observed the following trends:
Trends and changes in the divorcing population mirror patterns seen in the nation, even the world. Our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, the volatility of overseas markets, political stalemates in Washington, not to mention gyrations in the stock market, and the “wait and see” attitude of the business community, influence marriages and divorces.
The recession and its unprecedented slow recovery have undoubtedly contributed to instability in families and exacted a particularly heavy toll on those struggling with separation and divorce. Personal concerns about managing a future after divorce become exacerbated by economic and political confusions and uncertainties. Mediation offers couples a clearer path, a reasoned and reasonable way to tackle the problems facing them. Agreements fashioned through problem- solving approaches lay the groundwork for future collaboration and cooperation in facing ever–changing family developments.
Years after their divorces have been finalized, our clients repeatedly attest that they have retained the tools to tackle new problems. In effect they have purchased, for long-term use, the process as well as the product.
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