For most individuals, planning for retirement is saving for a distant dream, an elusive future. Divorce brings that faraway future into the very real present. The complexity of dealing with retirement assets can be further complicated if the savings is a pension plan. Unlike 401k or 403B Plans or an IRA, there is no real, in the sense of a touchable, fund with a set amount of moneys. A pension cannot be borrowed against. Moreover, you are not eligible for preretirement withdrawals even with a penalty. Pensions are a form of an annuity. Depending upon how long you have worked at one job and how old you are will determine when you reach eligibility age and how much you will receive as a monthly sum. The good news is that you can’t outlive your pension; the bad news is that you need to wait to collect, be it early eligibility or at full retirement age. To make things even more difficult, for divorce, pensions need to be valued. It is an actuary who will take into account the years you’ve worked, your salary, your projected lifespan, and your age of retirement, among other factors, to provide a present day valuation of your pension.
Retirement funds compiled during a marriage constitute marital funds. Suddenly, “It’s my pension.” becomes “It’s our pension.”, a fact not easy for many divorcing people with pensions or other retirement plans to accept easily. “I killed myself for this pension. How did you get into the picture? You did not help me build a business,” said one divorcing man who was married twenty-five years and had a civil service pension with significant value.
Whereas 401k Plans and 403B Plans and IRA(s) have a known value, in the divorce arena they are not exactly a “no brainer”. Here the most common argument is whether or not values need to be reduced to compensate for taxes to be paid upon cashing in. There are two primary schools of thought. One school of thought posits that the fact that taxes are deferred, allowing the money to grow tax-free, will yield, in the final analysis, a fund that is greater than any taxable investment account. The opposing school of thought argues that you need to value the fund after you have deducted for its future tax cut. As such, the very value of these plans is a subject of confusion and most certainly debate.
Given conflicting ideas and the emotional context in which people view retirement funds, it is not surprising that the question of how to divide this group of assets is frequently a source of friction. Consider the following couples’ solutions reached in mediation:
These two couples found ways to trade one asset for another. May times, this is not a possible solution since the couple does not have enough assets to trade. Other times they do not want to trade; they each want a piece. Thus, each one wants cash from the sale of the house and each one wants to have his and her own retirement funds. The solution hinges on timing; when to sell, how to divide, and so on.
Mediation offers a problem-solving opportunity to weigh alternatives and search for a fit that leaves each party feeling whole, if not necessarily happy. After all, no one really prefers to share. However, being fair to each other and to one’s self has its own form of “feeling good”, not to mention the very real benefit of not wasting assets on legal battles.