So, you and your spouse have agreed to mediate your divorce; you have decided that a problem-solving process, focusing on the well-being of all family members offers the most emotionally and financially beneficial route for the family’s present and future well-being.
Invariably the question then arises: What do we have to do in order to be prepared? What do we need to bring to our first meeting? The answer is quite simple: You do not need to bring anything to the first meeting. The mediator will help you understand what information you will need to collect and simplify the process for you. However, if you still want to get started, if you want to embark on the data collection process, we have created a “be prepared” listing both for before divorce and also for after the process is completed.
Remember that most families are really not aware of what they spend on food, utilities, clothing, entertainment, including eating out (even Starbucks) and, as such, just becoming aware of your financial outlays will be an “eye opening experience.”
Begin to think of each of your priorities as well as your needs and those of your children, including “new” expenses for each parent and children.